A common practice in other countries for over fifteen years, Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is a non-surgical alternative that shrinks nodules without the need for a scar and usually without compromising thyroid function. This procedure is performed as an outpatient in the office under local anesthesia and helps avoid general anesthesia and longer recovery from surgery.
RFA is relatively painless and performed with an electrode that delivers advanced energy into the thyroid tissue, thereby cauterizing the dysfunctional thyroid tissue. Using ultrasound guidance, the doctor is able to selectively target the thyroid tissue to ablate, which is then broken down by the body over the coming months.

Thyroid RFA first coagulates the tisse and then slowly reduces the size of the nodule. The reduction rate is generally 30-60% in the first month, and then 50-85% at six months (based off clinical studies). Most patients will see the nodule related symptoms and cosmetic problems significantly improved or disappeared. Long term studies have shown the ablated nodules to be consistently decreased by about 90%.
For most nodules, just one treatment will suffice to accomplish the desired results. However, with nodules over 4 centimeters in size, sometimes additional treatment may be required based on the actual size and complexity of the case.
Patients with "hot" or hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules have their levels normalize in over 80% of the time. This avoids them medical therapy for life or more invasive surgery to treat the overproductive nodule.
Benign Nodules
Overactive "Hot" Nodules
Visually Disturbing Nodules/Cysts
Patients Who Refuse Surgery
Malignant Nodules
Highly Suspicious Benign Nodules
Uncertain Nodules on Cytology